
"Assemblages"- CALL FOR ENTRIES!!!

"Assemblages" will be a unique exhibit in a 6000 sq.ft. warehouse space that is slated to be re-opened as an architectural antiques shop/art gallery in the near future.

We invite artists to submit works of (but not limited to) assemblage, multi-media, collage, sculpture, jewelry, or furniture. We highly encourage works that use reclaimed/ salvaged/ repurposed materials.

Deadline for digital submission:
Friday, February 11th, 2011

Opening Reception: First Friday, March 4th, 2011 @ 5pm

Location: 542 Carpenter Lane (across from Weaver's Way Food Co-op)

How to submit: Email a link to your work or attached images and brief statement to: (
gedoproject@gmail.com) Please make the subject: YOURNAME_Assemblages